Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Bye 2008!

I can’t believe its time to say bye to yet another year…time does fly..I still remember the end of 2007..the hopes n dreams and prayers n wishes we had for 2008..n as I step into 2009 I feel the same way…as if time flew by and as if a year was completed before I could realize…n I’m waiting with great enthusiasm to see wat the New Year holds for us…

As I look back at this year…

I’m glad that

 I had an overall good year
 I visited India
 I got my H1
 I have my job!
 I cut my hair so short [ tho its grown back!]
 Got my Driver’s license
 We went on an awesome vacation
 I don’t have to travel anymore
 There was some “GOOD NEWS” from certain friends and a family member
 Some of my dearest friends got happily married
 I got a new friend who I’m addicted to talking to
 Made a few more good friends
 Obama won the elections
 I got V to shake his leg n that he actually enjoyed it!

N I wish

 There weren’t so many terrorist attacks
 Certain relationships didn’t have to break
 Nature didn’t get so wild n furious n destroy people n things
 The economy didn’t go to the dumps
 I had been a better friend at certain times
 The relationship didn’t get as strained as it did
 A certain health problem didn’t trouble me so much
 I didn’t gain weight so fast!
 We didn’t have to move to VT
 I didn’t have to quit my previous job.

N in the year ahead I hope

 The World remains peaceful and calm
 There are no natural calamities
 There are no terrorist attacks
 The economy improves
 We continue to have our jobs
 I learn something new
 Obama meets the world’s expectations of him
 Certain relationships return to what it was n life feels normal.
 We have yet another awesome vacation (so we can make a hat trick!)

What are your memories & thoughts as u look back at the year that was and what do you wish for, in the coming year?

And as I bid Good Bye to 2008…Here’s wishing you and your loved ones a Very Happy, Prosperous n Joyous 2009!

For those of u who enjoy seeing photographs, here are some links I received in an email,
The Year 2008 in Pictures:
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3


Ramya Ramadurai said...

woohoo! yeah, i'm gonna begin the H1 battle this year. wish me luck.

and hap-hap-happy new year....

rayshma said...

habby noo earrr!!! :)

broca's area said...

hope ur wishes come true:)...happy new yr

gypsy said...


gud way to begin NY ...


Pavi!!!! said...

@Galadriel : oooooooohhhhhhhh..Wish u Good Luck!I know u'll need lots of it!
and Happy New year to ya too :)

@RayRay: u too girlie :)

@Broca: Thanks so much!Wish u too a great new Year!

@D-sinner: Thank U :)

Shruti said...

Hey Pavi!! Wish u a very very happy new year! And u know.. even I had got that mail with those pics :)

burf said...

wishes to you too

Jack said...


Happy New Year to you all.

Pray all your wishes come true.

Good you enjoyed your vaccations.

Could not see pictures after 25th or so in all sets.

Thanks for your reply to my comment on your post on Relationship.

Waiting for your visit.

Take care

Lena said...

Happy New Year :)
Hope each one of your wishes will come true :)

ceedy said...

Happy New year to you too...hope all the hopes become reality

Great pictures thanks for sharing....

looking at these just makes me feel....I should not worry about anything in life - people are in much more dire straits than I can even dream (do we have to use nightmare in this case) off

Satish Bolla said...

i hope u started having a good year. mine was hectic.

anyways, good to read this post. so naive...

Unknown said...

Hope the new year turns out better than last year for you. and those pics of 2008 in pics..they are so amazing...

Preethi said...

Happy New year girl.. something for you at my blog

Sameera Ansari said...

2008 seems to have been quite a good year for you.May 2009 be even better :)

Happy New Year!

Sukanya said...

heyyy :) me back :)
Happy New year.. howz u????

Anonymous said...

Hey Pavi
How are you??
I have finally moved to NC!! The movers brought all the stuff its unpacking for the next few days!!
Hope things are going well.

aMus said...

hey...wishing you a great year ahead, gurl...

Pavi!!!! said...

@All : Thanks so much for ur wishes!

@Knatch:welcome back!!!How r u..will drop in soon!

@preeti : thanks so much!n why have u absconded?

@CG:I'm gr8! Hope ur settled in now?

Ranjani said...

when are you going to start blogging again?