Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Is the Glass half empty or half full?
I feel the World is becoming a better place. Everything about it isn’t perfect and in all honesty will probably never be, but what the hec, I’ve always believed that perfection is an illusion! Therz nothing about it that’s realistic or for that matter inspiring. There is always scope for improvement and that’s what motivates me and keeps me hopeful.

I don’t understand the cynics who smirk at every step we take and say there is no use of that step ‘coz we’ll never quite reach the top of the tower. How does one reach the top without climbing those zillion small steps? I agree…that maybe for every 10 steps we take ahead , there are actions that send us 5 steps down or mabbe 15 steps down, but yet I want to rejoice n celebrate those 10 steps while I mourn n rant about the 15 steps. You don’t quite have the right to whine , if you don’t appreciate…do you? If pessimism is going to aid in development in any manner, tell me ,and I’ll join you but not otherwise.

Anyways..over the last few days…this is what some of us have celebrated while the rest have criticized n been cynical about…

- The World Cup win. What’s not to celebrate in this u ask…some ppl are cookin up a match-fixin story , while others are whining about why other sports aren’t given as much attention while some others are worried about the display of unity in India on just that one evening! What spoil-sports? Do they realize they were not part of that unity for even that one night?
- Anna Hazare’s movement. I was so proud of him. n yet there are ppl scoffing at him and his supporters asking if that’ll change India and make it free of corruption. No it won’t. Its not an overnight movement. No kind of revolution is. It takes time and perseverance. It’s not going to make India better for us…but if we are diligent and don’t give up..I’m sure it will be a better place for our children or mabbe our grandchildren.
- Osama Bin Laden’s death… The unimaginable has been made possible! La la la ! You say , his death doesn’t mean that terrorism has ended? I very well know that ! He played such a significant role n manslaughter and his death will definitely shake up his team-mates., no? Baby steps people…Baby steps! You can’t do nothing and expect a miracle to occur overnight. I donno I mabbe daft , but I believed it, the instant I saw the news flash on my phone. I know people are asking for a death certificate n what not… but me…I’m a believer and a celebrator (is that a word?) !

I want to ask the cynics, pessimists, non-believers to back off and focus their energy in encouraging(if not contributing) those who are trying to make the world a better place. Don’t forget the age-old sayin, ‘Li’l dops of water make an ocean!”


Vrijilesh Rai said...

Pavi.. good to see u back here after exactly two months.

And being a firm believer that we should all live in peace, but the better way, in my view, to do it is to reach the grassroots at the locales of terror and try to rectify the problem. And not just try to bomb them out! The US & the NATO aren't doing too much for world peace by looking out for nations to bomb!

Jack said...



Now coming to this post. Well said. Some persons will never be happy and find something or the other to crib. They are the ones who put brakes on progress. They do not even let their children make efforts to fulfill their dreams.

Take care

Pavi!!!! said...

Hey Vrij : ur keepin track! well, i've been writin in another space as well life has been busy with work n studies..+ of course i'm lazzy! so dont get to update often.

really vrij: u think the al qaeda would let the world live in peace if we had merely arrested bin laden?? we n splly US..will have to spend every min in fear if they did that, u know!it would have been a nice thing to do, but not a smart thing.

Pavi!!!! said...

Jack : I'm so touched that u remembered my B'day ! Thank u soooo much..was so happy to see ur wish yesterday.Hope all is well with you.

and yes...fear and lack of faith doesnt let us live our life to the fullest

broca's area said...

so back??:)

Sharp_Eagle said...

yeah, I would add one more to this - Rehman winning Oscar and cynics questioning his music direction and links with Oscar board! ridiculous!