Random Thoughts….
Some of u wanted to know wat I did on my B’day..How it was…. Well it wasn’t like every year….
We went to this v. exquisite place for dinner.I got wishes thru’ e-mails, e-cards, comments on my blog, the phone, scraps on orkut , IM etc…they all felt good. Some of it was AS Expected, some was More than what I Expected, Some was totally Unexpected and a few was Lesser than what I Expected.
I’m not going to get into details. But this was a different B’day. The first of its kind. Mabbe that’s how B’days become as one grows up. How unfortunate!
Not very long back I had a dream. Not a nice one, so I’m not telling you the details. I can never remember dreams when I wake up, wonder why I had to remember this one!!Posting about my dream will force me to relive the dream and also have me looking back at it ‘n’ times..Both of which I don’t want to do. But this dream had me thinking thru’ some things…
After this dream, in my head I had a message to a certain someone – “I hope atleast now u realize my value in ur Life. Hope u miss me and realize the role I play in ur life”. This for someone who matters helluva lotn to whom I should matter helluva lot!!! I don’t feel good about it.
Tell me if u think doing the following is being pessimistic. Give me ur immediate reaction 1st and then ponder over it and tell me what you think is RIGHT
- Writing one’s will in the Twentys.
- Signing up one’s organs for donation as soon as one realizes that such an option exists. Mabbe when one is 12 yrs old?
- Deciding on who’ll take care of ur babies/kids/children once both u n ur spouse gone? At which point do u think this decision should be made?
If you can think of any other Qs like this, which are hard to answer but probably must be answered, feel free to ask.
PS: I’m not in the best of moods. I’m hoping it’s the usual yearly feeling I have after my B’day and therez nothing more to it. But this yr it wasn’ t even all that special a Day. Darn! I donno wats wrong :(
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
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Growing older is never easy. Maybe that's why the blues. I felt the same on my last birthday. Don't worry, it will be fine.
I think those thoughts/questions are sensible, rational, and practical. If one is aware that we are mortal, why not take the steps to save some hassles right now?
About ur questions...
1. Writing will in twenties... I dont think it is right
2. Donate organs...yes it is right
3. I think it is purely based on cricumstances....if there is no urgency... it is not right deciding very early i.e in twenties...
But, thinking about all these matters in twenties is not pessimistic...
belated happy b'day... and no - itz not pesimissam to create a will or sign up to donate organ @ very early stage....
I dont think thinking about donating your organs and about taking care of your ids is a pessimist thought at all....
Abuot the growing up part, I guess its all in the head. Havent our parents grown up and grown old much more gracefully and without even thinking much about it ?
Unlike the fuss we do ?
Today I think,
I cant believe I am 23.
I cant believ I literally grew up with up my fiance.
I cant believe I'm making my own money.
I cant believe I am no longer at school.
So will I think tomorrow,
I cant believe I'm 40.
I cant believe I'm a mother.
I cant believe we've been together for almost 25 years.
I liked your post.
Made me ponder.
YOu intended it anyway..lol !
Cheer up.
Aww, cheer up, thoughts come and go. Some Pesimisstic, some optimistic. Just dont ponder much over the former. Let it go, and everything'll look brighter. :)
Happy birthday thumbelina.. (not yet belated -- coz ther are still 23 days to go) .. don worry .. uve got rest of the month for somthin spl to happen .. and even if it does not .. mabbe next year ull have double does of speciality ;) so cheer up sweety.
and abt ur Q's
Well pavi .. I wouldnt even bother to think abt all this .. its future.. which no one can predict .. which no one has seen.There's this parable .. it might give you some insight.
When Moses(PBUH) was climbing the mount sina...to converse with God and had left his wife and kid all alone below, he thought what would happen to his wife and kids if he doesnt return or for forty days and nights.. who would feed them, get em food or take care of them etc. It was just a thought in his mind .. and there was voice from above .. God's voice. "O Moses! Strike the rock infront of you with your stick." - Moses did so and the rock broke and inside it was another rock. God asked him to strike the second one. Moses did and there was another..and inside that another fourth and small one. God asked Moses to strike the fourth rock and inside it was a small ant holding a grain of rice/wheat. So God said"O Moses! When i can feed the ant who is inside four rocks, with no acces s to outside world, dont you have faith that I will feed and take care of your wife and kid?
So dont worry .. Have faith .. its all that matters :). Everything happens for good, we just fail to see the good in it :) tc
1) belated happy buttddayyyyyyyy
2) dreams at times can keep u thinking for days....i hate if they r bad ones!
3) dats just being proactive...chill maro ji!:)
Wishing you a very happy belated birthday!
My first reaction to your questions, very practical things to do! We cannot live in denial that we are going to live forever. Making necessary arrangements in the right way is very very good, a very positive thing in fact.
After pondering over it...here's what I think...
As for writing a will in the twenties, I don't think I had anything to will away to anyone, haha :)
** I’m hoping it’s the usual yearly feeling I have after my B’day and therez nothing more to it.
Why does your bday depress you??????
Aww Pavi..you are just suffering from the birthday blues :( Don't worry, this feeling will go away soon. Go read my 'getting older' post again..maybe it will make you feel better.
Now about your questions..
My immediate reaction and my after thoughts are the same..I guess I'm just practical.
*Writing one’s will in the Twenties*
Well, if someone has accomplished a great deal by that age (i'm talking about finances here), and have loved ones whom they want to pass on their belongings to, then sure..they can go ahead and make a will. But practically speaking, how many twenty-year olds have enough 'stuff' to make up a will? Seriously, when I was 20, I had nothing!! Even if I thought i was gonna die soon, there would be nothing for me to make a will about.
*Signing up one’s organs for donation as soon as one realizes that such an option exists. Mabbe when one is 12 yrs old?*
Well, again in the real world, this not possible...atleast not here in the US. At the age of 12, the parents or legal guardians make such decisions. But a mature 12 year-old can certainly have such thoughts that they might want to donate their organs. But again, at that age, it would not be their decision.
*Deciding on who’ll take care of ur babies/kids/children once both u n ur spouse gone? At which point do u think this decision should be made?*
Well, I think this decision can be made whenever the parents want. That is where the tradition of 'Godparents' originally comes from. Its primarily in the Christian culture, but the real purpose of 'Godparents' is that they would take care of the kids in case something bad happened to both the real parents.
Cheer up girl :)
Pavi HUGZ! I hope u hv a good weekend hun.
I hate getting older...its normal.
** Writing a Will in twenties
very normal. alot of young ppl do it here. Its being smart, not scared. it shows u know that life in uncertain and ur quite organised. Nothing wrong with that at all. Infact I'm thinking of getting one done soon too.
And hey belated bday wishes hun MWAH!
hehe... such blues happen to me too :D :D
btw... Belated Happy B'day... didnt know na :D :D
and may god gives u every happiness u want, moments to cherish, life to enjoy, may u be more blessed and more happy...
talk about growing old....
about your thoughts like many have commented here -its practical and should be exercised
the life that we are living is really uncertain nowadays so what wrong in exercising options that will save confusion....
only if dhirubhai ambani had that forethought - reliance would have been saved from the onslaught....
BTW I also tell my friends I will sponsor your life insurance...put me as a beneficiary...(kinda investment) and I will return the favor...
and that last thought is not being money minded...its just being practical....we all are paying up our noses anyways...so why not help everyone associated with us...
ok, here's something to cheer you up...
during the 9/11 days...when osama was the biggest news here in the US, EVERY single morning, I would dream of him, right around the time my alarm was supposed to go off, and when it would go off...in my dream, Osama would say, "Don't you dare wake up, or I'll bomb you!"
Think of creative ways for not waking up on time!
Ab has do :) Smile please!
belated wishes, pavi...
and that's praticality speaking, not pessimism...
haopy belated budday maam..:-)
@ masiji..
lol..i'll bomb u... really u had such dreams..LOL
@Sol yes.mabbe.
yeah but facing reality is not alwez easy rite.
@Karthik: The urgency is that no one knows how long they'll live. Anything can happen!
@xh: Thanks
@cindrella : So true, its neverending!!
@Busywriter...yup..tryin to Let it go:)
@Mush :)..n tht story was an interestin readin..V.optimistic indeed!
@Gunj :) Thanks
@Aneri :)Thanks
@CG..Doin better now.
@aneri : My B'day doesn't depress me, the day after my B'day does...'coz my spl day is over.
@Keshi :)Thanks
@Ankur :) Yes, thanks a lot.
@Ceedy: LOL at the beneficiary..some thotful thinking :)
@ Suma : Thanks
@Samby: Thank You.
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